Faces of Paradise: Meet Kyle and Meghan
Let me introduce myself…. Hey Ya’ll my name is Meghan Jones, I am a knitwear designer living here in Spokane and I now have the esteemed privilege of posting here on the Paradise Fibers Blog! Some of you may recognize me from my patterns in the shop, classes I have taught and even Yarn Tastings I have worked at. Of course I love all incarnations of our amazing Local Yarn shop and so when the opportunity came to check out new items in the shop, help with kit planning, and blog to all of you about new and amazing goodies I couldn’t pass it up! I know that at all times New is different, and sometimes New is challenging but trust me that we will have a great time together and I couldn’t be more motivated to bring you the best new information and yarny goodness!
Since we have had a lot of staff turnover in the past few months we thought that a new Blog series called Faces of Paradise would help everyone settle in, become more familiar with each other, reacquaint old friends and help make new ones. So without further ado let’s talk about everyone’s favorite Paradise Fibers Guy: Kyle!
Kyle has worked at Paradise Fibers for 5 and a half years and he was around back when the shop was located in it’s infinitely more flavorful neighborhood on Trent. Kyle does a little bit of everything at the shop, he picks orders, receives, works in shipping, fixes problems, helps with the website and customer service. Previous to this Fall Kyle was working primarily in the basement creating swifts and combs for the shop.
Kyle can knit! He can cast on stitches, knit and purl, he admits that he can work from a pattern but lost interest and stopped working at it. Perhaps that is why his favorite item in the shop is the knitting loom, knitting without needles!

Kyle’s favorite animal is a dog, more specifically a Labrador although he would not knit a sweater for a dog if he had one. (Maybe if he had a knitting loom to knit it for him?) He prefers real Beards to Knit or Crochet Beards, however if he ever found himself beardless he would employ a Fiber Beard as fast as possible.

Kyle does not have a background in Fiber but he did go to school for Firefighting and worked as a volunteer firefighter for 3 years. What does he do when he is not working at Paradise Fibers? He loves to go Fishing for Salmon and Walleye and Hunt for Deer and Elk.
And Lastly: what 3 items would Kyle bring with him from the shop if he was stranded on a deserted island? The Incredible Rope Machine, to make rope of course. Addi-Click Lace long tip set, to spear animals and fish ( or you know, knit things too), and a Schacht Mighty Wolf Loom because it has lots of parts, wood and metal to harvest for tools.

So if you are in the shop this week and see Kyle say hi! and don’t go anywhere near him if he happens to be carrying an Addi-Click Lace set.
Like this post? want to read more blog posts by Meghan? Check out www.littlenutmegproductions.blogspot.com for posts about knitting, designing and techniques.