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A Resource Guide to Crochet

Crochet is the art of stitching thread or yarn onto itself to make patterned fabric. The process uses a single tool, called a crochet hook, to make loops out of the thread and pass the loops through each other. While the basic steps are the same, varying techniques result in different patterns. Crocheted material becomes doilies, afghans, curtains, and clothing. It is an art that has existed for centuries, but remains popular today...

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Addi Turbo Knitting Needle Size Chart

Wondering if Addi makes a particular size?  We have this handy chart to help you find the perfect size for your project.  Use the knitting needle chart below to help determine if Addi makes the knitting needle size you need.  The sizes shown below are for the Addi Turbo circular knitting needles.  The Addi Turbo Lace knitting needle sizes and Addi Straight and Single Points sizes are different...

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Using Fibers: Wool Roving and Felting

Spinning involves the production of textiles from raw fibrous materials. During the manufacturing process, spinners convert these raw fibrous materials into three products, including yarn, fabric, and textiles. More specifically, it involves physically twisting together oriented strands of fibers to form balls of yarn. Spinners use three industrial processes or multiple hand spinning techniques to create these textiles. Designers create clothing and other assorted apparel from the textiles produced from the raw materials. Craft enthusiasts can purchase each of the three fibers separately to create their own fabric or textiles, which may include roving and felting...

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Basket Weaving Resources, Techniques, and more!

Based on the carbon dating performed on the oldest known basket, the practice of basket weaving has been used in cultures all over the world for at least 12,000 years. There are a multitude of uses for baskets, ranging from table top decorations to traps meant for catching fish, and they play a prominent role in some religious ceremonies. In fact, during WWI and WWII baskets were used to contain the food and supplies that were dropped down from aircraft to the troops. Baskets made for purely aesthetic reasons incorporate intricate patterns, striking colors, and often more flexible fibers. On the other hand, baskets intended for utilitarian purposes, like the gathering of food, are crafted using stiffer ribs and thicker fibers for increased durability.


While the oldest known basket is estimated to be approximately 12,000 years old, it is speculated that basketry has been practiced for much longer than that. Unfortunately, the natural fibers used to make baskets are difficult to preserve, which makes it hard to define exactly how old the craft is - if not impossible. Although Native American cultures are most predominantly referenced when the topic of basket weaving is discussed, the art of basketry has been practiced in many other cultures around the world, as well. For example, baskets have played an integral role in both China and Japan, where they are used for both aesthetic and utilitarian purposes, like fishing, funeral basketry, and food storage.


There are many types of natural fibers that can be used to weave a basket, like various kinds of tree bark. For example, grasses, bamboo, vines, oak, willow, reeds, and honeysuckle are all commonly used materials for weaving. When choosing a suitable material for basketry, the flexibility of the fibers is the most important aspect. If the material is too brittle, it will not be able to flex enough to be woven into tight coils and through small spaces. However, it is important to note that stiffer fibers are also used in some techniques to create a frame, or the ribs, for the basket.

Basic Process

The basic process of basket making involves carefully weaving strands of fiber over and under each other to create a round shape. A simple coil basket starts out as a thick piece of fiber that is shaped into a basic coil while a thinner, flexible fiber is woven around it. Wicker baskets are more difficult to master. They start out as a series of stakes, also known as spokes, which radiate from the bottom of the basket - these are used as the supporting frame. Then, a series of strands are woven over and under the spokes to create the sides of the basket.

Terms and Techniques

There are four different types of basketry methods: coiling, plaiting, twining, and wicker. Some of the terms that are specific to basket weaving include loops, twining, ribs, and spokes. It is common practice to lash the rim and wrap the handle of the basket to give the finished product a more polished look, and to protect the owner's hands from sharp protrusions. To start the upward weaving process in wicker basketry, many basket makers will "upsett" the spokes, which involves carefully bending them upwards from where they meet in the center.

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Knitting 101 - Knitting for Beginners

A Beginning Knitter's Resource Guide

If you are interested in learning to knit and want some quick info on getting started check out our How To videos for knitting here.
You can also view our vast library of videos and tutorials on Youtube & Instagram using the links below.

Alright, you’ve made your decision to learn how to knit, so where do we start?

First, a few necessary items...

We recommend worsted weight yarn for most beginners as it is easier to see and control your stitches. We carry a variety of options to fit your price range, which can be found here. Most worsted weight yarn recommends a US size 6, 7, or 8 needle. Since most beginner knitters knit tightly, a size 8 is probably best. We carry several knitting needles in this size, which can be found here. At the end of your project, you will need to sew in the ends with a yarn needle, which we also carry here. A basic pair of small scissors such as these will also be helpful. We have a list of supplies you will need below, along with other helpful links, and how to choose the correct needles for your project.

For many people, it is easiest to start a simple project in garter stitch. This alleviates the pressure of having to learn both the knit and purl stitch at the same time. A simple dishcloth or a scarf are excellent first projects. A scarf may take longer, but has the added advantage of building more muscle memory. An excellent resource for patterns is the website Ravelry which does require a free account to use, but has hundreds of thousands of patterns in both crochet and knit varieties for a wide range of skill levels. We have a group that includes a forum, called The Real Paradise Fibers you can share your projects, ask questions, and find out about our current sales.

Now, onto the knitting! First, let us explore how to cast on. This is also explained in the video at the end.

Getting Started: How to Cast-on

Step 1: Slip Knot

Make a slipknot and leave a tail. The length of this tail varies depending on the number of stitches you will need to cast-on. To figure out where to tie the slip knot, measure three and a half times the width the pattern calls for. 

Step 2: Put Slip Knot on Needle

Put the needle through the slipknot and pull snug with the short tail end of the yarn closest to you.

Step 3: Make Sure the Slip Knot is Facing the Right Way

The string that is attached to your ball of yarn should be in the back and the string that is free in the front. Then hold this needle in your right hand with the 2 strings of yarn hanging down. 

Make Sure the Slip Knot is Facing the Right Way

Step 4: Pinch Thumb and Index Finger Together

Make the okay sign with your left hand by pinching the thumb and index finger together.

<Pinch Thumb and Index Finger Together

Step 5: Push Fingers between the 2 Yarn Strands

Put these 2 fingers between the 2 strands of yarn, make sure the short tail end of the yarn is in front of your thumb and the long working yarn is behind your index finger.

Step 6: Grab the Yarn

With your free middle, ring, and pinky fingers on your left hand, grab around the 2 dangling strands of yarn, like you are making a fist, and hold the strands out of the way.

Step 7: Push Yarn Apart

Separate your thumb and index finger- like you are making a sling-shot with your fingers. This will push the strands of yarn apart.

Step 8: Notice the 2 Loops:

Look at your hand that is holding the yarn. Notice the loops around your thumb and index fingers.

Notice the 2 Loops

Step 9: Put Needle Through 1st Loop

Insert your needle behind the strand of yarn closest to you on your thumb.

Step 10: Put Needle Through 2nd Loop

Insert your needle behind the strand of yarn closest to you on the loop around your index finger.

Step 11: Pull Yarn from Loop 2 Through Loop 1

Pull your needle back through the loop on your thumb.

Step 12: Take Thumb out of Loop 1

Release your thumb from the loop.

Step 13: Pull Tail of Yarn With Thumb Creating a New Loop

Pull the tail end of the yarn with your thumb, tightening the stitch you just made and creating another loop on your thumb. (You should have 2 stitches on your needle now, your slip knot counts as one of these stitches.)

Step 14: Repeat

Repeat steps 9-13 until you have the desired number of stitches cast-on. This type of cast-on is called the Long Tail Cast-on.

Starting to Knit: The Knit Stitch

Next, we will explore how to do the knit stitch.

Step 1: Switch Hands

Hold the needle with the cast on stitches in your left hand, and the empty needle in your right hand.

Step 1: Hold Needle with Cast on Stitches in Your Left Hand, and the Empty Needle in Your Right Hand

Step 2: Wind Working Yarn Around Fingers For Tension

Wind the working yarn through your fingers to help you keep an even tension. How you do this is not important; just find whatever is most comfortable for you.

Step 2: Wind Working Yarn Around Fingers For Tension

Step 3: Hold the empty Needle in front of everything in your right hand

Hold the empty needle in front of the working yarn.

Step 3: Hold the empty Needle in front of everything in your right hand

Step 4: Insert the Empty Needle into the First Stitch

Insert the new (empty) needle into the first stitch, going upwards into the stitch and creating an “X” with your needles. The old needle (with stitches on it) is on top of the new needle.

Step 4: Insert the Empty Needle into the First Stitch

Step 5: Wrap the Yarn Around the Needle

Wrap the working yarn around the new needle only in a counter clockwise direction.

Step 5: Wrap the Yarn Around the Needle

Step 6: Use the Right Needle to pull the Working yarn under the left needle through the stitch on that needle

Sliding the new needle down, carefully catch this loop of yarn and pull it under the cast on stitch. You should now have one loop on the new needle and one on the old needle.

Step 6: Use the Right Needle to pull the Working yarn under the left needle through the stitch on that needle

Step 7: Pull the original stitch off of the left needle with the new stitch you just made

Pull the remaining loop off the old needle, leaving the new loop on the needle that was previously empty.

Step 7: Pull the original stitch off of the left needle with the new stitch you just made

Step 8: Repeat Until End of Row

Repeat with all remaining stitches.

Step 9: Switch hands after the last stitch

Once the row is finished, switch which hand each needle is in so that the needle with the stitches on it is once again in your left hand. The old needle becomes the new needle and vice versa.

Step 10: Knit this row just like the last one.

When knitting a row that will be all knit stitches, make sure that your working yarn is beneath both needles at all times. It is especially important to double check this at the beginning of rows, which is where most new knitters accidentally add extra stitches.


To make a simple scarf, repeat this row until your work is as long as you want, then bind off.


How to Choose a Needle: 

To get started, check out our video on how to choose a needle, or simply browse through the collection of resources below!

Popular Brands of Knitting Needles

There are many types of knitting needles and many various manufacturers all over the world.  The most popular manufacturer of quality circular needles is Chiaogoo knitting needles, who make both metal and bamboo needles. The red cords on the metal needles are super flexible and are a favorite among the staff here at Paradise Fibers. We highly recommend investing in a set of Chiaogoo's interchangeable sets once you become an established knitter, this way you are not constantly buying new needles for every project. Interchangeable sets also make for great gifts!

Our other favorites are the HiyaHiya needles. Produced in North America, their metal needles come in both steel and sharp steel- perfect for lace-y projects. HiyaHiya also has a bamboo line of needles that make knitting with cotton a breeze. HiyaHiya also has great interchangeable sets!

Another popular brand of knitting needle is Louet. Louet knitting needles are precision crafted and are a superior quality needle, produced in North America and backed by a lifetime warranty! Their new line - Squares - are square needles that are great for customers who have trouble holding circular needles and those with arthritis. The cables for these come in firm and soft options. 

The Addi Turbo Circular needles are made of nickel plated aluminum with a very smooth join where the needle meets the cable.  Addi also makes a bamboo circular needle as well as lace circulars which have a sharper point for smaller yarn.  They come with a lifetime warranty. 

Other Needle Resources

  • Knitting Needles – Learn how to choose the most appropriate type of knitting needles for your skill level and project.
  • Choosing Needles – Have a look at the different types of needles and the results they produce.
  • Circular Knitting Needles - browse our huge selection of circular knitting needles from Chiaogoo, Louet, Addi Turbo and Hiya Hiya.
  • Double Point Knitting Needles - DPNs are perfect for smaller projects. Here we have a selection to choose from rosewood and ebonywood in 5 and 7 inch lengths to American birch, bamboo, and metal.
  • Single Point or Straight Knitting Needles - Single Points knitting needles are the most common traditional style of needle browse our huge selection.

Knitting Resources: 

Knitting Basics

  • Tools and Yarn – Find out how to pick the right tools and yarn for your knitting needs.
  • Before Knitting (PDF) – See visual examples of the types of products available for knitters, with information about which are best to start with.
  • Knitting Patterns – Access a series of patterns and instructions for different types of knitting projects.
  • A Beginner’s Guide to Knitting (PDF) – This guide covers everything from selecting yarn, to basic techniques, stitches, and more.
  • Knitting Resources – Find a variety of patterns and video tutorials for knitting inspiration.
  • Beginning Knitting (PPT) – Watch a slideshow on how to get prepared and start knitting your first piece.
  • Knitting Techniques – The resources on this page offer help with knitting techniques as well as troubleshooting.
  • Knitting Thesaurus – Look up abbreviations and meanings of terms used in knitting tutorials and patterns.
  • Knit and Purl (PDF) – Follow this guide for detailed notes and instructions on how to knit and purl.
  • Warp and Weft – Learn all about warp and weft and how it can be applied in different ways.

Other Types of Knitting

  • Circular Knitting – In this tutorial, beginner knitters learn about circular knitting and how to try it themselves.
  • How to Felt – A tutorial on how to felt your projects.
  • Lace Knitting – Use this checklist of materials required for lace knitting projects.

History and Culture

  • Why Knit? – Read some common reasons on why people have knitted in the past as well as in the present.
  • Origins of Knitting – This brief history introduces some early instances of knitting in previous centuries.
  • Norse Knitting – See how people knitted in ancient Norse cultures.
  • Red Cross Knitting – Trace the history of the Red Cross’ knitting campaigns from World War I on-wards.

Knitting Checklists and Knitting Supplies


And finally, a few glossary terms for reference. In parenthesis we have listed the common abbreviations for each term that you will find in knitting patterns.


Knitting Terms: 

Cast-on (CO) - Creating the stitches on the needle. This creates a foundation row upon which you build the rest of your project.

Bind off (BO) - Finishing an item by weaving the stitches together and pulling them off the needles.

Knit stitch (k) - This is the most basic stitch in all of knitting. We will go into how to do this stitch below.

Purl stitch (p) - This is the companion of the knit stitch, and it’s the total opposite. We’ll explain that in a minute as well.

Garter stitch - Created by knitting every stitch of each row when knitting a flat piece. The resulting fabric is “bumpy” and stretchier than stockinette stitch.

[photo of garter stitch]

Stockinette stitch (st st) - A combination of stitches in which one row is knit, and the next row is purled when working back and forth. This is the traditional knitted fabric you are used to seeing on your ready-to-wear clothing, it is recognizable by consisting of many little “V’s.”
[photo of stockinette stitch]

Working yarn - The yarn coming from the ball.

Yarn weight - This is a way of describing how thick yarn is. It is often written in yards per ounce or meters per gram. For example, a yarn that is 2 meters per gram is going to be thicker than a yarn that is 4 meters per gram. The more meters per gram, the thinner the yarn. Yarn weights in US terms are (from thinnest to thickest) cobweb, lace, fingering/sock, sport, double knit (or DK), worsted, aran, bulky (or chunky), and super bulky.

Fiber content - This is simply what fibers were used to make the yarn. Common fibers are wool, acrylic, cotton, alpaca, etc. This includes both natural (proteinaceous) and man-made (synthetic) materials.

Gauge - Gauge is how tight or loose you knit. This is typically measured in stitches per inch. Some patterns, such as sweaters, require a certain number of stitches per inch for them to fit correctly. In other patterns, such as some scarves, gauge is less important.

If you're interested in learning more about knitting, spinning, felting or dyeing don't forget to follow our Youtube & Instagram for new tips, tricks and terrific work!

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Discover Our Top Alternatives: JoAnn’s K+C and Big Twist!

Looking for yarn alternatives after JoAnn’s closures? Check out our top picks for substitutes to K+C and Big Twist yarns. Keep crafting with these near perfect replacements!

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A Staff Reflection on JoAnn Store Closures: What’s Next for Crafters

One of our staff reflects on what JoAnn stores closures mean to many crafters, fiber arts included. 

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Lean On Us: Fiber Arts Expertise and Announcing the Ewenice Report - Paradise Fibers

Lean On Us: Fiber Arts Expertise and Announcing the Ewenice Report

Discover what makes our shop unique—expert staff with over 150 years of combined experience, hands-on help, and a vibrant crafting community. Learn about our new Ewenice Report newsletter, packed with fiber arts trends, tips, and exclusive insights!

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Exploring Fiber Arts: Tapping into Creativity with Paradise Fibers

Stay in the know and find inspiration with Paradise Fibers’ blog! Explore tips, how-to tutorials, the latest fiber arts trends, and more! Let us welcome you!

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ChiaoGoo Vs. HiyaHiya - Paradise Fibers

ChiaoGoo Vs. HiyaHiya

Take a look at some comparisons between ChiaGoo and HiyaHiya knitting needles! Find out what might be a good fit for you. 

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Tin Can Knits: Your next resource for patterns! - Paradise Fibers

Tin Can Knits: Your next resource for patterns!

Tincanknits- A new resource for knitters! an amazing site with free easy patterns designed to be for any level of crafter. 

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