
Hedgehog Fibres Spinning Top

Are you entranced by the colorful beauty that Hedgehog Fibres is known for?  These colors are not just reserved for knitters, we have three different bases of this dream roving in stock now!  The colorways of Hedgehog Fibres Spinning Top are limited edition and not repeated.  Make sure you get what you need to get your […]
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8 Weeks of Sheep Breed Spinning and Dyeing – Teeswater

Lustrous, strong, and soft. Teeswater is a really interesting wool that separates itself from any other breed. This wool has a long staple making it easy to spin and the natural luster really makes the dye pop. This is a very large breed of sheep that can produce up to 15lbs of fiber for just a […]
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8 Weeks of Sheep Breed Spinning and Dyeing – Corriedale

I am so excited about this roving! This week, in my 8 weeks of sheep breed spinning and dyeing, I will be discussing Corriedale Cross roving. I absolutely love this fiber! The dye took beautifully and spinning this fiber was similar to the Targhee I spun a few weeks ago. If you haven’t checked out the […]
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8 Weeks of Sheep Breed Spinning and Dyeing – Cheviot

This is some tough stuff! This week, in my eight weeks of sheep breed spinning and dyeing, I worked with Cheviot roving. If you are looking for a wear and felt resistant wool, this is your best friend! This roving behaved completely different than what I was anticipating and definitely kept me on my toes. This […]
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8 Weeks of Sheep Breed Spinning and Dyeing – Targhee

It’s so fluffy!!! I can’t believe how soft and squishy this fiber is! This week, in my eight weeks of sheep breed spinning and dyeing, I worked with Targhee wool. Dyeing this breed’s fiber was a complete joy and I also got to try out some new dyes. After dyeing and drying the roving, it […]
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8 Weeks of Sheep Breed Spinning and Dyeing – Merino

Looooove Merino wool! It’s no wonder why people gravitate to merino for roving and yarn! This week, in my eight weeks of sheep breed spinning and dyeing, I have dyed and spun our 64 count merino roving. This merino is so soft and easy to work with. It took the dye so beautifully and practically spins […]
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8 Weeks of Sheep Breed Spinning and Dyeing – Icelandic Wool

I will be embarking on a new and exciting adventure spinning and dyeing my way through eight weeks of eight different sheep breeds. Join me on this exciting quest while I review how each fiber behaves when spun and dyed. This week I am reviewing Icelandic sheep wool in a natural brown and grey color. Click […]
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Working with Two Pitch aka Viking Combs!

There are two main types of combs, English multi-pitch combs or Viking two pitch combs. About all Combs: Diameter of the tines: the larger the diameter of the tines, the more suitable the combs for courser fiber Number of pitches (rows of tines): the more pitches generally, the longer the staple needs to be. If you […]
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Mantis Farms Sustainable Orgainc Fiber

Nestled on a hill top allowing them to see them to see the whole valley of Chewelah, Mantis Farms brings to mind a different time in American, when the west was not a manufacturing powerhouse but a series of cottage industries that connected the community together. Ann of Mantis Farms paints a stunning picture of […]
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Roving and Sliver and Batts! Oh My!

There seem to be an outstanding number of words that define the world of spinning fiber. Each one was developed to concisely inform about the steps and stages the fibers have been though. Some terms have evolved to have developed into general terms while others are still very specific to the steps that go into […]
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Field Trip! To Fiber First Inc.

I would like to start by thanking Karen at Fibers First Inc. for allowing us to invade her shop and share a better understanding of the process to get commercial roving and yarn from domestic producers. Some of the fibers that we deal with everyday are processed from Fibers First! Karen greeted us at the […]
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The Mysteries of Bradford and Micron Counts

Micron Bradford System USDA Fiber Grades Blood System Picking fibers by Numbers A word of warning – there is more to a fiber than the numbers that define it, there is no measurement for crimp, elasticity, luster or durability which should be considered. Touch is an inherently subjective sense, what one person experiences will never […]
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