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The Park and Draft Drop Spinning

How to spin with a drop spindle basics Glossary Getting Started Common problems when drafting Common problem when adding twist Spinning of any kind is simply the addition of twist to fiber to create strength, you can see this with any non-braided rope or steel cables for bridges- same idea many fibers or strands locked […]
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Science of a Drop Spindle

Interested in spinning, but no room fora spinning wheel, not sure you want to commit to a hobby that takes up too much space? Have you thought about the drop spindle? The pre-curser to the spinning wheel, drop spindle are great way to make your own yarn. They travel well, simple to use and have […]
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Spinning Element: Auto-Wrap

  Most likely you’ve seen an auto-wrap on a core spun yarn, but did you know you can auto-wrap onto a standard single. As you spin the wool you can allow a strand to auto-wrap finishing your single. A yarn that has been spun with an auto-wrap cannot be plied! (The only exception is if your […]
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Fine and Dandy: Vogue knitting Early Fall 2014

You know you want to… it is that dirty knitting secret that you joke about doing but have never found the perfect pattern for… KNITTED BOW TIES! This Early Fall Vogue Knitting includes some of my favorite small pieces of men’s wear Bow Ties, Ties and Statement Socks! Theses charming socks were co-inspired by vogue […]
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Working with Two Pitch aka Viking Combs!

There are two main types of combs, English multi-pitch combs or Viking two pitch combs. About all Combs: Diameter of the tines: the larger the diameter of the tines, the more suitable the combs for courser fiber Number of pitches (rows of tines): the more pitches generally, the longer the staple needs to be. If you […]
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Picking Your First Spinning Wheel

Hey Future spinners! Kyle and I have been working together figure out the perfect wheel for you he made an awesome video to walk you through the basic elements and I’ve brainstormed some questions you should ask yourself before you pick your wheel. Kyle’s 4 tips for buying a spinning wheel Still want to know […]
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Mantis Farms Sustainable Orgainc Fiber

Nestled on a hill top allowing them to see them to see the whole valley of Chewelah, Mantis Farms brings to mind a different time in American, when the west was not a manufacturing powerhouse but a series of cottage industries that connected the community together. Ann of Mantis Farms paints a stunning picture of […]
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Roving and Sliver and Batts! Oh My!

There seem to be an outstanding number of words that define the world of spinning fiber. Each one was developed to concisely inform about the steps and stages the fibers have been though. Some terms have evolved to have developed into general terms while others are still very specific to the steps that go into […]
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Texsolv vs Steel Heddles

The debate between Steel or Aluminum heddles and Texsolv is an ongoing one. For the most part it is personal preference combined with a little physics and science. A quick primer for those new to the weaving world. Texsolv is a machine made Polyester heddle that uses a tie-up system. This means that you literally tie your […]
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More Viking Sheep! The Gotland sheep were established on the Swedish island of Gotland by the Vikings along with Karakul and Romanov sheep that crossed with the native landrace sheep. It created a beautiful and unique sheep known today mostly from the Lord of the Rings films. Let’s talk about the “Lord of the Rings […]
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Some Trouble Shooting with The Revolution

Here is a video covering the basics with the Paradise Fibers Revolution: The Squeak… How not to break your wheel… The Squeak is still there! Difficulties with uptake in Double, Scotch or Bobbin lead… Still having problems or questions? Contract us! We are always happy to help you with your wheel!
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What’s happening on my farm- Shetland Shearing!

What’s happening on my farm! I’ve been getting some questions about my flock at home so I thought I would share now that shearing is over. If you are ever spending time with the sheep community you will know there is no such thing as “spring, there is Lambing and Shearing, and they are their […]
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